

Mysore - Info

Join me for a truly meditative and individual practice. 
Roll out your mat and start practicing Ashtanga. 

I am there to guide you through correct alignment, new poses and how the breath patterns in the new asanas look like.


This is perfect if you are already a little familiar with Ashtanga and want to dive deeper into your own practice.
This is my favourite Ashtanga class and since I do not have a studio near me anymore, I am really happy that there is online Mysore.


Happy practicing! 🙂

Upcoming Dates

Wednesday, 17 January 2024
60 minutes

Friday, 19 January 2024
90 minutes


This traditional practice helps you establish your own Ashtanga practice.

You learn the traditional sequences bit by bit in a live course with me, where I will instruct everyone individually.

To start Mysore, it is great if you already know Surya Namaskara A and B. You can learn these in the Focus Course.

This practice is highly meditative once you get the hang of it and I have to say it is my most favourite Ashtanga course to go to myself.

Got Questions?

Feel free to contact me about the online courses and retreats. 

I am here to make you feel welcome and also to find out if we’re a good fit. 

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