
Led Class

Led Class - Info

In this practice you are guided through the traditional sequences of Ashtanga Yoga with minimal description of the positions, the count in Sanskrit.


It is a very dynamic, very meditative practice, where you get to focus solely on your flow and your form.


You can enter the course if you have knowledge of the sun salutations in Ashtanga, as well as the standing positions and the ending sequence.


You will get to know the primary and intermediate series with me, or practice along if you’re an advanced yogi yourself.


The 90 minute sessions will always have one third of a series in them, going through chronologically over the weeks. 
Every now and then you will find a 2 hour special, where I will teach one whole series.

Book through momoyoga:

You will be redirected to my momoyoga booking page which contains:

  • weekly schedule,
  • pricing options,
  • information about me
  • information about the courses

Just sign up with your name and e-mail address and you’re good to go with any payment option you’d like. 🙂

You find all the pricing option over on momoyoga as well (of course you can drop in for a free try out session). 

Got Questions?

Feel free to contact me about the online courses and retreats. 

I am here to make you feel welcome and also to find out if we’re a good fit. 

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